Youth Warriors,
We miss you!
As we look back on 2021, we can't help but feel grateful for our time together this summer and your trust in us. We hope you continue to benefit from the learnings and that new perspective shifts serve you well in your daily life!
As for us, there's been a lot of stuff going on. We're writing a monthly letter (like this) to help us stay in touch and share what we've been up to. We hope you're interested!
This holiday, you are in our thoughts, and we send you and your families a joyous and fulfilling holiday. May you be blessed with abundance in the new year to come!
Stay warm!
Tiffany and Your Soul Seated Family
If you want your outside world to reflect love, then first give rise to love within.
-Tiffany L.
Personal Scribbles

About Erika
Erika continues to embark on her soul seated journey. She expresses her compassion by supporting Tiffany and the organization's mission with outreach and partnership efforts. Personally, she has been learning quite a bit! She studied how, over time, small habit changes lead to increased joy and growth, or how to be present, and even how to celebrate herself— what is good and maybe even what she considers flawed, but perfect nonetheless. Essentially she is learning how to be an alchemist so she can transform her shadows into gifts in her warrior’s journey. She can’t wait to find the gems and share them with you- and the world!

About Tiffany
Tiffany is on fire! Since the program, she has never been more motivated to unleash the greatness in the youth warriors she sees at Alice Griffith- and beyond. She is working to democratize access to life-transforming programs and she is working tirelessly to make this a reality so we can all unleash our greatness. Besides learning how to incorporate self-care into her regime, Tiffany is also learning a lot about cultivating the virtue of patience, finding strength in compassion, and overcoming setbacks with gratitude. So, watch out world!
About Beth
Miss Beth is an official Georgian resident! In August, she moved her entire family to be closer with family– one of the most important relationships we can ever have. She thinks about you all often and cannot wait for the next opportunity to join you in some laughter and dance. In the meantime, she is busily being a mom to her 14 year old son, Ben. Helping the family transition to a new beginning. Along with her dog, Frances, and kitty who are happy to show their bellies to the sun!

About Rico
Rico is in love…with Youth Warriors! The time with you has reinvigorated the "Coach" in him and have joined Soul Seated Journey as a Board Member. Yay! In this role, Rico does a lot of head shakes and head nods but mostly, he is taking on the mighty effort of helping to spread the word, bring in support, and enable our mission to create readily available programs and ongoing support to anyone anywhere for free. Besides from his giving work, Rico is training for the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon in May, volunteering in East Palo Alto with Tiffany, being a proud doggy dad. His goal next year? Start learning Mandarin!
About Roxanne
Roxanne is still throwing streamers of love and devoting herself to the needs of the community. Like Tiffany, she also envisions communities of heart-led youth warriors who change their lives and their communities with their wholeness, compassion, and courage. So, we are excited and proud to share that Roxanne has joined Soul Seated Journey as a Board Member too. Double yay!!! While we cannot be in San Francisco on the weekend to join you for distribution, you should know that like Roxanne, we are here to support too.
P.S: Rico and Tiff are down in East Palo Alto during the same time on Saturdays; and Miss Erika says she will make a better effort to come in from Marin and join you!
What's Up?
Youth Ambassador Program
If you thought we’ve forgotten about the Ambassador program, we have not! We still have the list of sign ups, and hope that the flame of your initial aspiration to lead and serve is still burning! We need to first set up the right structure to support your leadership and learning. Once we crystalize the program with its support resources, we will be sure to let you know. Hang tight! In the meantime, provide your loving leadership to your community every Saturday with Tzu Chi. Preserve the love and compassion in your heart by giving rise to it, every day, and the world outside will reflect the same. It’s like a boomerang! If you want your outside world to reflect love, then first give rise to love within.

Kevin Thomas
Welcome Kevin! Kevin Thomas, a native San Franciscan, has joined our love train to enable our mission as the Marketing and Communications lead. He’s helping us “get the word out,” stay connected, and run like a “well-oiled machine.” We are stoked to be joining forces with him. Right now, Kevin is doing a lot of thinking man poses, pen to paper writing, thought-mapping, and mouse clicking to help us build a bridge to you and others.
Did you say Youth Warrior 2.0?
We are Moana and sailing past the line of sight! Why are knowledge and resources that elevate not easily accessible to everyone? We think it’s time to change.
We are building upon your Voice Up feedback to come back next year for even more action-packed programming. We are spending our time now fundraising to make this a reality and finding the more Darian’s, Charle’s, and Charlene’s of the world who can expand your knowledge, illuminate your superpowers, and support your journey ongoing. We are hoping to fundraise enough money so Maia, Charles, Darian, and the rest can come back again!
Won't You Say Hi?
Say "What’s up!" Give us a wave. Send us a virtual hug. Tell us how you’ve been. What is the one thing from Youth Warrior you learned from the program that is still helping you? What do you want to see next year? We’d love to hear from you!