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You Have a Future Without Limits

Learn about an empowering tribe that enables our youth to explore their relationship with themself and embark on their quest to reveal their best self.


The untrained mind is not your friend.


The Invitation:
Suffer less and live fully.

You are invited this summer to join 30 young warriors on a transformational quest to silence the anxiety voice, find self-love, and reveal your best self. This is your life. "Re-think" it your way. 



Start learning the basics of the mind to make it work for you, and take yourself to the next level.

The secret behind the most successful people in the world?  Self-mastery. They master their thoughts and behavior to create the reality they want and source from authentic power— purpose, meaning, creativity, joy, hope, and love.

Now, you can access what the successful people know— and do. We're bringing you leading evidence-based practices in fun workshops with expert guidance and peer support to help you develop emotional awareness, make clear,  confident choices,  build self-discipline, and tap into the powerful forces within. 


Only the man who has found his true self can know himself, find his best talent, and achieve his own success.
- Napoleon Hill



Build connections with others on the quest to be the best version of themselves.

Meet your mentors to process your experience and discuss what you're learning.  Speak to real experts and successful leaders to know their "secret sauce." Connect with peers on the same path.

Support calls every week to help you navigate life.

Receive one-on-one private mentorship from buddies who "rose from the concrete" to help you stay on track in making powerful changes.

Stay connected with your tribe in post-program integration calls to discuss how you are implementing your insights and breakthrough.

Get additional individual support as needed from local mutual aid networks to enhance your journey.


Mentorship brought to you by Rose from The Concrete (RFC)


Experiential Course

Journey Aids

Weekly Affirmations

What you will receive on your journey


It's Structured

Soul Seated's holistic approach to well-being helps you know where you're headed and how to get there in a roadmap-like journey.


It's Skill-Based

Our program helps you develop the right coping skills and mindset to manage issues and take them with you when the program is done. 

You belong, add value, and are worthy of meaningful connections.

Dive in with us to breathe deeper, think clearer, and enlighten up.

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